Current Issue

Current Issue

Get connected to an ad-free, patient-focused publication when you join Fibromyalgia Network. Each 20-page issue is delivered to your door on a quarterly basis (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall). Whether it is self-help coping advice, research updates, or new treatment approaches that you are looking for, the Fibromyalgia Network Journal includes all of this and more!

Your Membership will begin with the current issue of the Fibromyalgia Network Journal. Below is a general description of its contents.

  • Tricks for Staying Awake and Alert
    Nodding off during the day or struggling to stay alert? Or do medications you take for fibro make you drowsy? A few simple therapies can improve mental sharpness.
  • Depression & Anxiety – Is Your Fibro to Blame?
    Why do fibro symptoms often get blamed on a mood disorder, and what other biological factors explain your less upbeat and not-so-calm feelings?
  • Can You Trust Your Gut?
    Your brain may regulate the flow of your digestive processes, but did you know your gut can bark back and influence the way you feel and think? Learn about treatments.
  • Cytokines and Mood
    Subtle immune activation in fibro produces cytokine substances. Studies show they can alter your brain and toy with emotions, and some therapies can reduce the impact.
  • Treating the Emotional Fallout
    Even if you are on an antidepressant for pain, chances are it is not helping as much as it should for lifting your mood. Find out why and learn about alternatives.
  • Brain Neurons Marching to a Different Beat
    Timing is everything in the brain. A novel imaging approach is used in fibro to show which centers are conducting a noisy jam session and how this relates to pain.
  • Pain Around the Hips – Using CSI Skills to Get Relief
    Where is the pain around your hips, buttocks, thighs, and low back coming from? There are many possible culprits. Learn about tests to identify them and how each is treated.
  • Muscle Fatigue, Stiffness & Exercise
    Why do your muscles wear out fast and always feel stiff? Researchers are finding abnormalities in the way they work and offer suggestions to minimize feeling drained.
  • Water Therapy Works for Me
    Movement in a warm pool can loosen muscles and gently strengthen them. Get advice on locating classes in your area and how to reap the most from this therapy.

Do you know that Fibromyalgia Network is Ad-Free?

We go to the medical conferences, interview the researchers, talk to the treatment experts, and package it all into helpful original articles that you can’t find online or anywhere else. Unlike other magazines, we do not accept endorsements, advertisements, or pharmaceutical industry grants. So what you read is unbiased.