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Latest News

The latest news on fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome is posted below in support of Fibromyalgia Network’s mission to educate patients and the media with ad-free reporting.

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Is Menopause Making Your Fibro Worse?

As estrogen levels start to decline in peri-menopause and hit rock bottom in menopause, this triggers symptoms that could go untreated and might make your fibromyalgia worse.

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Patients Weigh in on New Diagnostic Criteria

Nearly 10,000 people responded to a survey by the Fibromyalgia Network that revealed the American College of Rheumatology’s (ACR) new criteria to diagnose fibromyalgia.

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Do Nutritional Supplements Really Work?

Several different energy producing and anti-oxidant supplements might be beneficial for reducing the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Tell us what works for you.

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Researchers Document Severity of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia patients report disabilities in daily living activities that are as severe as rheumatoid arthritis, and more severe than osteoarthritis or other painful conditions, a recent study reveals.

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Celebrate Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!

The Fibromyalgia Network invites you to celebrate Fibromyalgia Awareness Day this May 12, 2010. We want to remind everyone what we are celebrating and how far fibromyalgia awareness has come.

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Gulf War Vets Remain in Pain … using fibromyalgia to understand why

Research on fibromyalgia patients can help doctors understand pain experienced by Gulf War veterans.

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Think You Have Fibromyalgia?

After 20 years, doctors are proposing a new set of criteria to diagnose fibromyalgia. Learn about the preliminary changes, how they will affect you, and see how you measure up against the new diagnostic criteria.

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Will Your Fibromyalgia Med Work?

The chances that a medication will effectively reduce your fibromyalgia symptoms are usually less than 50 percent, and quite often the drug will produce intolerable side effects. Given these odds, the trial and error process is a difficult road for fibromaylgia patients to take. However, a recent study by researchers in the United Kingdom may help.

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Energy Makers Eroding in Fibromyalgia

Researchers have shown that the muscles of fibromyalgia patients have a substantial drop in the number of mitochondria, the part of the cell known for its energy-producing abilities.

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A Little Omega-3 Could Reduce Your Pain and Fatigue

Omega-3 fatty acid (FA) supplements can benefit your joints and cardiovascular system, but what about the pain of fibromyalgia?

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Fibromyalgia Network, P.O. Box 31750, Tucson, AZ 85751 (520) 290-5508.
This site is provided for informational purposes only. To remain unbiased, we do not accept endorsements, advertisements,
or pharmaceutical industry grants. Patients should always consult their physician for medical advice and treatment.