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Sara, Member Since 2006



Non-Drug, Trigger Point, and Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatments

Medications can help reduce your fibromyalgia symptoms, but the side effects sometimes can be a limiting factor. You will also notice that your muscles don't work like they used to. Not only do they hurt, they can be stiff and restrict your range of motion. The most common areas for muscle pain is in the shoulders, thighs, chest, and back of neck and head—but other areas can be troublesome as well.1 These painful muscles often have rope-like bands in them. If you press along this band you will find nodules that really hurt. These are myofascial trigger points, and they not only cause tremendous pain at the knotted area, they also shoot pain to other muscle regions.2

As mentioned in our Criteria for Diagnosis section, almost all of the 18 diagnostic tender points are actually myofascial trigger points.3 The good news is that there are many therapies that can be applied to ease this type of muscle pain, and for the most part, the side effects are minimal. Various movement therapies and nourishing supplements may reduce the chances that trigger points will develop. So you should consider more than one of the alternative treatment approaches below depending upon the number and severity of your trigger points.

Hands-on Approaches

Trigger Point Therapies

In addition to the many hands-on therapies listed above, you may benefit from several other approaches designed to treat trigger points, ease muscle pain, and restore function.

Movement Therapies

Intense exercise can cause your symptoms to flare, even though you may have been an athlete before developing fibromyalgia. The key to staying fit is to find activities that you enjoy. Keep in mind that frequent rest breaks have been found to tone down the pain caused by vigorous exercise. The point is, don't overdo it because this will only set you back.

Nutritional Aids

A few small treatment trials show that the nutritional supplements below may be beneficial for reducing your fibromyalgia symptoms, but larger studies are really needed.


Need Help with a Well-Rounded Treatment Plan?

No single medication or non-drug approach will tame all of your fibromyalgia symptoms. The best solution is to develop a well-rounded treatment plan that addresses your specific needs at any given time. Yet putting together a comprehensive plan requires access to a think tank of treatment ideas. This is just one reason to consider a Membership to Fibromyalgia Network.

Our publications will keep you current on the latest in treatments, with many non-drug approaches illustrated for easy learning. We attend the key medical conferences, interview the experts, and comb through the medical journals, all to package this information into patient-focused articles. A Membership costs less than a doctor's office co-pay and keeps you in the driver's seat for directing your care.

Don't settle for the bare-bones fluff you find on the internet, Join Today!

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Fibromyalgia Network, P.O. Box 31750, Tucson, AZ 85751 (800) 853-2929.
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