How to Set up Your Free Facebook Account
Go to This will take you to a window that asks you to login at the top or sign-up free down below for first-time visitors. There will be a few things for you to fill in:
- First and last name
- Email address to verify you’re a real person
- A password that you can remember (make sure to write it down somewhere if you forget it)
- Whether you are female or male
- Your birthday to verify age. You can hide this information from others on your profile or just hide the year to keep your information secure.
Click the Sign-Up button below your completed information. You will receive an automated email instantly after submitting your information. Open up the automated, confirmation email and click the link to finish the process of registering your Facebook account.
To join the Fibromyalgia Network Facebook Page, go to:
Click the “Like” button at the top of the Welcome page and join in on the Facebook community.
The tabs at the left side of the page are our various sections of the site. Here are the tabs in order and a little about each one:
- Wall: This is where we publish our fibro/chronic fatigue syndrome updates. You can also post your ideas, questions, comments, share links, photos, and even videos by clicking on the various icons below the comment box at the top of the page.
- Info: This tells just a little bit about the website and what our mission is at the Fibromyalgia Network.
- Friend Activity: Lets you know what Fibromyalgia Network postings other people liked and their comments.
- Notes: This is an achieve of all the articles that we have posted. Many of them focus on coping strategies, treatments, and research.
- Links: Connects you to other Fibromyalgia Network fans Facebook pages.
- Photos: Need a chuckle? Go to our “Fibro Cartoons” photo album. Want to get to know the people at Fibromyalgia Network? Check out the “Meet the Staff” photo album. Have a support group get-together photo or simply want to post a picture of you and your family? You can share them with the Fibromyalgia Network community by posting them in the “Fan” photo album.